12222 E. Kellogg - 22222

12222 E. Kellogg Wichita Kansas 67207 United States
Structure ID: 22222
Geopath ID: 30986491
Traffic Count: 45,000
Weekly Impressions: 98,767


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Digital Bulletin

E Facing

This billboard is located on E. Kellogg just west of the K-96 highway ramps and east of Greenwich Road. Lowe’s, Panda Express, Wal-Mart, Michael’s, Dollar Tree and several other national retailers sit directly across the street. CostCo sits one intersection away from this structure. This digital billboard is perfect for targeting motorists going to and from Andover, Augusta and Rose Hill.
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464 secs1,350$1,600.00
42.13 mins675$960.00
44.26 mins335$624.00
Artwork Requirements: 1800×500 pixels, 96 dpi, RGB image, JPEG file MOTION ADS: 864×256 pixels, eight second, AVI or MP4 file

Each digital ad is displayed for eight seconds.Rates can vary based on contract length and terms. Ask your Sales Representative about multi-board & custom package rates.
