Effective digital billboard advertising
Advertising for a digital age
To pick up the details in an advertising image, crop the picture to focus on one specific area. Motorists have difficulty noticing the fine details of a campaign. Make sure your ad image is relevant to the message and text in your artwork.
One-page Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) briefing guide shows how color combinations, contrast and readability can affect billboard ads.
The average viewing time of an LED is approximately six seconds. Stand at a distance from another person and flash your artwork for five seconds. Were they able to read the entire creative? Was there a call to action? Were they able to make out the image?
Details of an image can be hard to point out. Are the shoes, the dress or the woman’s hair the point of the ad?
By focusing on the details of a product, motorists immediately know the point of the message.

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Tips & Tricks When Designing for Billboards
As a general rule, digital artwork is best with bold fonts that contrast with the background. Artwork for signs should be clear, simple, precise and easy to read. Use a typeface that does not consist of thin lines that could look broken up to a motorist. Adding an outline to your text can help separate it from the background.
One-page Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) briefing guide shows how color combinations, contrast and readability can affect billboards ads.

White space does not apply
Printed materials often use white space in their advertisements; however, in outdoor the rule does not apply. If you have available space, increase your fonts and images. Every inch of the LED artwork is valuable.
Well-executed ads move the masses.
The best ads are simple. Designs will need to be read from a distance. Display one idea or thought.
Make a Bold Statement.
As a general rule, the best artwork consists of SEVEN words or less.
Differences Are Good.
A strong contrast between the images, logo and background is essential to a motorist understanding a message.
One Idea Is Best.
The best artwork consists of ONE headline, ONE logo and ONE image.