250 S West St - 20259

259 S West St Wichita Kansas 67213 United States
Structure ID: 20259
Geopath ID: 31054576
Traffic Count: 34,000
Weekly Impressions: 186,364


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SE Facing

Located On West St and Maple Just North of Kellogg. The board sit on top Scooters Coffee Shop. Motorists Heading North on West toward all the shopping and businesses stop at the light. Market Sq Arena, Zoo Blvd, restaurants, Car dealers, Businesses, and all major NW Wichita attractions are few miles away
East Wichita KS Billboard
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464 secs1,350$1,200.00
42.13 mins675$720.00
44.26 mins335$420.00

Each digital ad is displayed for eight seconds.Rates can vary based on contract length and terms. Ask your Sales Representative about multi-board & custom package rates.
